Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by
That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week's topic is Author's that I would love to meet. I am going to change this prompt up a little bit, I am going to list authors that either I would like to meet, or wish I could meet, this includes authors that passed away and may have not been lived during my time.

1) S.E. Hinton - If I had to pick one author to meet, it would be S.E. Hinton. Her book,
the Outsiders, was one of the first books that sparked my love for reading. My mother gifted me a copy when I was young, and the rest was history. I would love to be able to speak with her about her inspiration for her stories.

2) Neal Schusterman - Unwind by Neal Schusterman was my introduction into Young Adult Dystopian Literature. I read it when I was in Highschool and loved it. His stories are dark and edgy and have a heavy meaning behind them, for this I would love to be able to speak with him about his works and the symbolism behind them.

3) Louisa May Alcott - I have always found her to be inspiring. She was a feminist and an abolitionist and served as a nurse during the Civil War until she became ill. She also wrote my favorite book of all time, Little Women. I always wanted to be like Jo when I was younger, and Jo was loosely based off of Louisa May Alcott.

4) Rick Riordan - I LOVE his writing. He has a way of flawlessly weaving ancient myths into modern fiction, and I cannot get enough. I would love to be able to meet him an discuss mythology.

5) Laura Ingalls Wilder - I grew up listening to these stories. My mother often read them to me. When I was younger, I didn't quite comprehend that she was telling the story of her life, but I always felt very connected to the characters and the story. I would love to have gotten to talk to her and learn more about her life.

6) Stephanie Garber - I recently read her book
Caraval, and I was blown away! I think she is such a talented author, I would love to meet her and tell her how much I enjoyed her book, and how talented I think she is.

7) L.J Smith - I loved her books as a teen. I never thought it was fair that she got fired from her own series. The series sucked when the Ghost Writer took over. I would love to talk to her and see what she is doing currently.

8) Jane Austin - She is by far one of the most talented authors I have read. I was not the biggest fan of her novels when I was young, but I think I had to grow up to realize just how complex and beautiful her novels were. Today, I have read a good portion of her works and love many of them. She has such great themes and symbolism in her novels. I would have to have been able to talk to her.
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